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Easter Bunny (the Sequel)

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Ava Elisabeth: Easter Bunny (the Sequel)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Easter Bunny (the Sequel)


We are big Cosby Show fans, like really! We have seasons on DVD- Adam and I love the show and Ava will even sit and watch it with us (plus we don’t have to worry about her seeing something or hearing something she shouldn’t). There was an episode where Sondra was having the babies and the new Grandma’s were talking about how they didn’t look like grandmothers and were thinking of names to be called. One of them was ‘Mother the Sequel’. That has become my new name for all the doings of the grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and aunts!


Ava’s Mimi brought her a bag full of goodies for her to enjoy- and that she did!


Her Papa and Gigi brought over a new car (too bad it was kiddie size, right?!) There was a lot of debate over this thing. I had said she was too old and too big for it, but mom insisted that she would enjoy it. We ordered some vinyl stickers to customize it and she got her a trailor for her to put her baby dolls in and pull around.


It turned out really cute. Definitely fit for a princess!


She loved it- there were a few comments about how she could hardly fit in it and move her legs- haha! If you remember, Ava had gotten a mini-four wheeler for Christmas 2 years ago (she was about 15 months old) from her Aunt Stacey. We still have it and she plays on it quite a bit, but she doesn’t like making it go, she would rather push it or walk beside it and pull it- funniest thing. So it gave Mom the idea to get her this car that she could do at her own speed.


She apparently had the right idea, Ava loves it, she wheels it all over the place- she even gets in and locks the door- it’s so funny, because we haven’t ever told her to lock it, but she insists on doing it- every time!


Aunt Ro Ro brought Ava a ‘muffy’ basket as she calls it, full of goodies and a bowling set. Her favorite toy in all of it was this little bunny that you wind up and it hops along. It ended up breaking after using it couple of times, so Aunt Ro Ro being the great Aunt she is took it back to have it replaced. Ava loves the thing- she calls it her Hippity-Hop!


After all of these gifts we had still had a visit from the Easter Bunny coming- it’s like Christmas all over again!


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